AlloyDB as a Source
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AlloyDB as a Source

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Article Summary

AlloyDB is a fully managed, PostgreSQL-compatible database service that's designed for your most demanding workloads, including hybrid transactional and analytical processing. AlloyDB pairs a Google-built database engine with a cloud-based, multi-node architecture to deliver enterprise-grade performance, reliability, and availability.

Authorize Connection to AlloyDB

In order to connect AlloyDB as a source, you will need to first authorize the connection to your AlloyDB.

Create an AlloyDB Data Source

  1. On the Sources page, click on the Create Source button and select the connector from the list.
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose your account.
    Didn't find your account?

    Click on Add new Account at the bottom of the drop-down and follow the on-screen prompts. You can also go to the Authorizers tab and click on Add New Service.

  3. Name your data source and select if you want to use a Query Wizard
    1. Yes: An auto-generated SQL statement will be prepared for you based on the selected table and columns. You can edit the query in the next step.
    2. No: Fill in your custom SQL statement.
  4. Configure your snapshotting preferences. Choose your sync frequency or the exact synchronization time under Show advanced settings.

    If you need to load historical data, please refer to the Data Backfilling article.

  5. Preview your data by clicking on the Test Data button in the top right corner. You can adjust the date range for a more specific time frame.
  6. Click on Save and congratulations, your new data source is ready!

Dataddo relies on your query statements to accurately retrieve the right data. By choosing specific statements, you guide Dataddo's actions on your data.

Every command in your query statement directly affects your database. Special attention is required when using commands likeDELETE or UPDATE, which are more impactful than a simple SELECT.

SQL Statement Examples

  1. Extract all data from the clients table:
    SELECT * FROM clients
  2. Extract the name, email, company columns from the clients table:
    SELECT name,email,company FROM clients
  3. Extract data from specific rows (rows 240,000 to 800,000) from all columns from the clients table:
    SELECT * FROM clients  
    LIMIT 2400000,  
  4. Extract all data from columns for a specific country from the clients table:
    SELECT * FROM clients WHERE countryCode = 'USA'
  5. Extract all data from all columns if a job title contains a specific position from the clients table:
    SELECT * FROM clients WHERE jobTitle = '%Manager%' OR company= 'Dataddo'


Context Deadline Exceeded Error


rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded

This issue may be caused by extracting data over an extended timeframe. Use WHERE or LIMIT clauses in your SQL query to manage the size and scope of the data extraction.

  1. Use WHERE to specify the date range.
    SELECT * FROM your_table
    WHERE date_column BETWEEN '202X-01-01' AND '202X-01-31';
  2. Use LIMIT to specify the specify the maximum number of records to return.
    SELECT * FROM your_table
    LIMIT 1000;
  3. Combine WHERE and LIMIT for more precise control. The query in this example will return the first 1000 records where the date is after January 1, 202X.
    SELECT * FROM your_table
    WHERE date_column > '202X-01-01'
    LIMIT 1000;

Related Articles

Now that you have successfully created a data source, see how you can connect your data to a dashboarding app or a data storage.

Sending Data to Dashboarding Apps

Sending Data to Data Storages

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