Amazon Aurora
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Amazon Aurora

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Article Summary

Amazon Aurora (AWS Aurora) is a relational database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to be compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, offering high performance, scalability, and durability for applications that require a robust and fully-managed database solution in the cloud.


Authorize Connection to Amazon Aurora

Create an Aurora Instance

  1. In the AWS management portal navigate to RDS.
  2. Click on Create database and select Amazon Aurora.
  3. Configure the settings for new Aurora instance, including the DB instance identifier, master username, and password (you will need this for interaction with Aurora Shell).

Set up Security Group

  1. On the RDS dashboard, go to the Security groups section.
  2. Click on Create Security Group, provide a name and description, and select the correct VPC for your database.
  3. In the inbound rules, select Add Rule. For each Dataddo IP set Custom TCP Rule. Use CIDR notation (e.g.
  4. Click on Modify and select the security group to make sure that the Aurora instance is using the right security group.

Configure Aurora Shell

After the Aurora instance is up and running, connect to it and create additional user to access it from Dataddo. You can use SQL commands similar to those used for MySQL or PostgreSQL.

Create an Aurora User

  1. Log into Aurora Shell using the master account credentials.
  2. Run a command to create a new user.

Set Permissions

  1. Log into Aurora shell using the master account credentials.
  2. Grant priviledges of CREATE, SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE on the given database (please replace the value of database_name)
GRANT CREATE ON database_name.* TO 'dataddo';
GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON database_name.* TO 'dataddo';

In Dataddo

  1. On the Authorizers tab, click on Authorize new service and select AWS Aurora.
  2. Fill the following fields
    • DB Host: Public IP or hostname of your MySQL.
    • Database: Name of the database.
    • Username: Your Aurora username.
    • Password: Password to your Aurora user.
    • Port: Port to connect to Aurora, the default value is 3306.
    • TLS Setting: Keep the PREFERRED value. The SSL connecton will be used when available. If you are using a self-signed certificate, please use SKIP VERIFY.

Create a New Amazon Aurora Destination

  1. On the Destinations page, click on the Create Destination button and select the destination from the list.
  2. Select your authorizer from the drop-down menu.
  3. Name your destination and click on Save.
Need to authorize another connection?

Click on Add new Account in drop-down menu during authorizer selection and follow the on-screen prompts. You can also go to the Authorizers tab and click on Add New Service.

Create a Flow to Amazon Aurora

  1. Navigate to Flows and click on Create Flow.
  2. Click on Connect Your Data to add your source(s).
  3. Click on Connect Your Data Destination to add the destination.
  4. Choose the write mode and fill in the other required information.
  5. Check the Data Preview to see if your configuration is correct.
  6. Name your flow and click on Create Flow to finish the setup.

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