Amazon RDS
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Amazon RDS

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Article Summary

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) is a managed database service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows users to easily set up, operate, and scale relational databases in the cloud without the need for extensive administrative tasks, enabling them to focus on building and deploying their applications.


Authorize Connection to Amazon RDS

Create RDS Instance

  1. In the AWS Management Console navigate to RDS service and click on Create Database.
  2. Select the database engine of your choice and configure the settings including DB Instance Identifier, master username and password.

Configure Security Group

  1. On the RDS dashboard, go to the Security groups section.
  2. Click on Create Security Group, give it a name and a description, and select the correct VPC for your database.
  3. In the inbound rules, select "Add Rule". For each Dataddo IP set Custom TCP Rule. Use CIDR notation (e.g.

In Dataddo

Create a new destination by continuing with database engine specific configuration using the following guides:

Create a New Amazon RDS Destination in Dataddo

  1. On the Destinations page, click on the Create Destination button and select the destination from the list.
  2. Select your authorizer from the drop-down menu.
  3. Name your destination and click on Save.
Need to authorize another connection?

Click on Add new Account in drop-down menu during authorizer selection and follow the on-screen prompts. You can also go to the Authorizers tab and click on Add New Service.

Create a Flow to Amazon RDS

  1. Navigate to Flows and click on Create Flow.
  2. Click on Connect Your Data to add your source(s).
  3. Click on Connect Your Data Destination to add the destination.
  4. Choose the write mode and fill in the other required information.
  5. Check the Data Preview to see if your configuration is correct.
  6. Name your flow and click on Create Flow to finish the setup.

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