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Article summary

If your preferred dashboarding tool isn't listed, you can output the data using an HTTP call. This will produce data in CSV or JSON format, which most apps can easily consume.

Create a New Data Flow

  1. Navigate to Flows and click on Create Flow.
  2. Click on Connect Your Data to add your sources. Here, you can blend or union your data.
  3. Click on Connect Your Data Destination and navigate to the Dashboarding Apps tab to select REST Endpoint.
  4. Check the Data Preview to see if your data is correct.
  5. Name your flow, and click on Create Flow.

A window with configuration details will pop up. Follow the instructions to finish the setup in your dashboarding app.

If you need to revisit the configuration details, simply go to the Flows tab and click on the power outlet/plug icon.

Obtain the data

In the configuration window, you will see HTTP call details.
Make sure to include the authorization header in the call.

Output in CSV

You will be provided with an output that has header on the first line, using semicolon (;) as a delimiter and each line ends with \n (UNIX standard). String values containing semicolon are escaped with doublequotes ("").


Output in JSON

When a JSON format is requested, the data is provided in the attribute data as an array of arrays. Besides the dataset itself, dataset header information is provided in attribute header and data types are provided in attribute type.

    "data": [  

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