Google Ad Manager
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Google Ad Manager

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Article summary

Google Ad Manager is a comprehensive advertising platform developed by Google. It allows publishers and advertisers to manage and optimize their digital advertising campaigns, including display, video, and mobile ads, by providing tools for ad serving, ad targeting, inventory management, and reporting to maximize the value of their ad inventory or reach their target audience effectively.

Refer to Google's official documentation to see all available endpoints from the Google Ad Manager API.

Authorize Connection to Google Ads Manager

To authorize this service, use OAuth 2.0 to share specific data with Dataddo while keeping usernames, passwords, and other information private.

  1. On the Authorizers page, click on Authorize New Service and select your service.
  2. Follow the on-screen prompts to grant Dataddo the necessary permissions to access and retrieve your data.
  3. [Optional] Once your authorizer is created, click on it to change the label for easier identification.

Ensure that the account you're granting access to holds at least admin-level permissions. If necessary, assign a team member with the required permissions with the authorizer role to authenticate the service for you.

For more information, see our article on authorizers.

Authorization Using a Service Account

Google APIs also allow authorizing access to Google accounts using Service Accounts (aka an account that belongs to your app instead of an individual user).

In Google Cloud Console

To create a Service Account, follow these steps:

  1. In your Google Cloud Console, select your project and navigate to the API & Services section.
  2. Go to Credentials and click on + CREATE CREDENTIALS at the top of the page.
  3. Select Service account and follow the on-screen prompts to create a new service account.
  4. Assign a role to the service account (such as viewer or editor, depending on your needs).
  5. Click on Done to create the service account.
  6. You should be able to see your newly created service account at the bottom on the site. Click on Edit service account and navigate to the Keys tab at the top.
  7. Click Add key and select Create new key.
  8. Choose JSON as key type. This will download the JSON file to your computer which you will later need to upload to Dataddo.

In Dataddo

  1. On the Security page, navigate to the Certificates tab and click on Add Certificate.
  2. Name your certificate, select Google Service Account Key as certificate type, and upload the file you have obtained when creating a service account for authorization.
  3. On the Authorizers page, click on Authorize New Service and select your service with (Service account) in the name.
  4. Select the newly added certificate.
  5. Click on Save.

How to Create a Google Ad Manager Data Source

  1. On the Sources page, click on the Create Source button and select the connector from the list.
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose your authorizer.
    Didn't find your authorizer?

    Click on Add new Account at the bottom of the drop-down and follow the on-screen prompts. You can also go to the Authorizers tab and click on Add New Service.

  3. Name your data source and select your metrics and attributes.
  4. [Optional] Configure your advanced settings. If you are unsure about how to proceed, we recommend skipping this step.
  5. Configure your sync frequency or set the exact synchronization time under Show advanced settings.

    If you need to load historical data, refer to the Data Backfilling article.

  6. Preview your data by clicking on the Test Data button in the top right corner. You can adjust the date range for a more specific time frame.
  7. Click on Save and congratulations, your new data source is ready!


Data Preview Unavailable

No data preview when you click on Test Data might be caused by an issue with your source configuration. The most common causes are:

  • Date range: Try a smaller date range. You can load the rest of your data afterward using manual data load.
  • Insufficient permissions: Please make sure your authorized account has at least admin-level permissions.
  • Invalid metrics, attributes, or breakdowns: You may not have any data for the selected metrics, attributes, or breakdowns.
  • Incompatible combination of metrics, attributes, or breakdowns: Your selected combination cannot be queried together. Please refer to the service's documentation to view a full list of metrics that can be included in the same data source.

Related Articles

Now that you have successfully created a data source, see how you can connect your data to a dashboarding app or a data storage.

Sending Data to Dashboarding Apps

Sending Data to Data Storages

Other Resources

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