How to Connect a Data Destination
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How to Connect a Data Destination

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Article summary

In this step of our quickstart tutorial, we will guide you through connecting a data destination. If your destination is a dashboarding app, you can skip to the creating a data flow step, right away!


Before starting, make sure that your account or user has permissions which allow you to create, select, update, insert, and delete data in the destination.

If your destination is a data storage, please whitelist Dataddo IPs in your storage to ensure incoming connection from Dataddo is accepted.

Select Your Destination

On the Destinations page, click on Create Destination and select your destination.

Apart from dashboarding apps, you can choose to send your data to data storages or even applications for reverse ETL. Simply filter by clicking on available categories, or select your destination via search bar.

Account - Quickstart Select Destination

Add Your Account

Click on the Add New Account button to add a new authorizer to authenticate Dataddo's connection to your destination. There are two possibilities:

Account - Quickstart Fill Out Destination Info

Finally Save and congratulations, your data destination is ready!

Next Step

Now, you can create a data flow to finish the ETL process!

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