Microsoft OneDrive
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Microsoft OneDrive

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Article summary

Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service provided by Microsoft that allows users to store and access their files and documents from anywhere. It offers seamless integration with various devices and applications, enabling users to easily sync, share, and collaborate on their files while providing a secure and reliable storage solution.

Connect a New OneDrive Destination

  1. On the Destinations page, click on the Create Destination button and select the destination from the list.
  2. Select your authorizer from the drop-down menu.
  3. Name your destination and click on Save.
Need to authorize another connection?

Click on Add new Account in drop-down menu during authorizer selection and follow the on-screen prompts. You can also go to the Authorizers tab and click on Add New Service.

Non-Business Account: Drive ID

Unless you have a Business account, you will need to insert your Drive ID during destination creation.

The ID can be found in your OneDrive URL.

Create a Flow to Microsoft OneDrive

  1. Navigate to Flows and click on Create Flow.
  2. Click on Connect Your Data to add your source(s).
  3. Click on Connect Your Data Destination to add the destination.
  4. Choose the write mode and fill in the other required information.
  5. Check the Data Preview to see if your configuration is correct.
  6. Name your flow and click on Create Flow to finish the setup.

File Name

Choose how your JSON will be named in the File Name field. The file can be named after the flow, after the date, or a combination of the two.

File Partitioning

File partitioning splits large datasets into smaller, manageable partitions, based on criteria like date. This technique enhances data organization, query performance, and management by grouping subsets of data with shared attributes.

During flow creation:

  • Select one of the predefined file name patterns.
  • Define your own custom name to suit your partitioning needs.

Example of a custom file name
When creating a custom file name, use variations of the offered file names.

For example, use a base file name and add a different date range pattern :


Using this file name, Dataddo will create a new file named xyz every day, e.g. xyz_20xx0101, xyz_20xx0102 etc.

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