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Dataddo Community and Code of Conduct
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Please keep to these few simple rules to keep the community safe, helpful, and organized!
Be kind
Please keep all discussions friendly and respectful. Our aim is to have a community where everyone feels welcome, questions are answered quickly, and discussions are insightful.
Let’s respect each other’s privacy
To ensure everyone’s privacy and safety, we kindly remind our community members not to share their personal information, such as full name, address, phone number, or email, in their messages or posts.
No soliciting
Please refrain from advertising your product.
Don’t spam
Please be patient and refrain from spamming the threads or our members with multiple posts on the same topic. This community is not live support but your question will be answered eventually.
If you have an urgent issue, please create a support ticket via the Dataddo app or contact your account manager. Our support team or your account manager will be in touch as soon as possible. (Response times are based on your subscription level. For faster assistance, consider upgrading your plan.)
Mark answered questions with a ✅
Once your question has been answered, help others who might have the same issue by showing that you found a solution.
Feel free to contact us and we will help you with the setup. To speed the process of resolving your issue, make sure you provide us with sufficient information.