Non-OAuth 2.0 services
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Non-OAuth 2.0 services

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Article summary

Non-OAuth 2.0 authorizers only require to supply static values. Typically it is either a combination of a username and password or some static token or API key. Some examples of static authorizers are Semrush, Appfigures, Mailchimp or Zendesk.



Since authorizing a service requires only providing a static values, the workflow is quite simple:

  1. Navigate to Dataddo API endpoint documentation to find the list of required attributes.
  2. Send the attributes with corresponding values as JSON object to /services endpoint. If successful Dataddo API will respond with HTTP ok code and idenfier of the newly created authorizer.
  3. Call /services/{id}/debug using the identifier of newly created authorizer to check if it works properly.

Example code

This example assumes using Appfigures authorizer. Implementation of other non-OAuth 2.0 services is analogical.

Simply send the required parameters to /services/appfigures endpoint.

POST /services/appfigures


    "config": {

If everything successful the Dataddo API will respond with new authorized service identifier that can be used in the source creation.


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