Data Storages
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Data Storages

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Article Summary

Dataddo supports data delivery to various data storage technologies inluding SQL server, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, or even SFTP.


  • You have the link to API endpoint documentation.
  • You have already your destination set up, including all the required network configuration (if applicable).


  1. Call the GET /destinations/{destinationId}/actions/authorization endpoint for obtain the list of active authorizers. If none is available create a new one. ID of the authorizer is passed as oAuthId parameter in the next stages.
  2. Call the POST /destinations/{destinationId} endpoint to create a new destination and supply the requested payload.


Following example refers to the MySQL, however implementation of other storages is analogical in case of any other storage, just always check the endpoint for storage creation for the given service.

POST /destinations/mysql

  "label": "string",
  "type": "mysql",
  "oAuthId": "0"

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